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Marketing & Communications

High-quality communication is essential in emergency management. Without communication and key stakeholder engagement even the best plans will fall apart.  

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Efficiency is an important factor in all of all areas of your business. But, communication should be not only be fast, it should be clear and concise. Marketing should not only be visually appealing, it needs to engage the audience and encourage their buy-in. With the right guidance, every organization can feel confident in their marketing and communication plans.

Communication Assessment

A communication assessment will be focused on analyzing the strategy and efficacy of your organization's current communication plans. 

Marketing Assessment

Utilize our customized marketing assessment to better evaluate your organization's current marketing efforts.

Brand Assessment

Brand assessments are perfect for companies looking to better understand their brand and public image in the context of emergency management. 

Two people shaking hands to voice an agreement

Wide Array of Industry Experience

The TranscendX team has experts from a variety of industries including healthcare, e-commerce, business development and digital media. This broad range of experience allows for unique perspective and insights during marketing or communication assessments. 

Focused on Efficacy

It can be easy to get caught up in the look or feel of a certain plan, but at the end of the day the most important question is - does the plan work? That's the key focus of any TranscendX assessment. 

Marketing experts having a conversation