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Downtime Readiness

Network downtimes have cost U.S. healthcare over $30 billion in the last two years. How will your organization do during a downtime?

Our comprehensive assessment service is designed to evaluate your facility's resilience and readiness to operate effectively when technology systems are compromised.

Partner with TranscendX

Key Assessment Areas

Interoperability, cloud-based storage and the ‘internet of things’ bring added complexity to our increasingly digital world. By identifying potential vulnerabilities and developing robust downtime strategies, you can ensure that your healthcare facility can continue to provide high-quality care without interruption. 

Revenue Integrity

Ensure accurate billing, coding and reimbursement to minimize financial loss and improve overall financial performance.

Downtime Technology

Ensure proper testing, placement and refresh rates. 

Situation Management

Review MTTR, downtime communications, and both service and application tiering. 

Clinical Workflow Assessment

From the front door to billing, our assessment ensures you have the right downtime steps in place. 

"Regulatory standards to not pardon a breach in patient care if a computer system caused it."

-Dr. Nicholas Genes

The American Journal of Disaster Medicine

High accreditation performance

Be TJC Accreditation Ready

In 2023, three of the top six Joint Commission accreditation citations were related to continuity planning. With proper planning these citations can be minimized or avoided entirely.

Get Experience On Your Side

The TranscendX team has over 30 years of experience in emergency management, clinical informatics, and healthcare IT management. With the addition of our team, your resources and knowledge-base expands significantly ensuring that any problem can be addressed. 

Experienced team members working together to solve a problem

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